The RNC Closes the Gender Gap with 14 in ’14

It’s official, the Republicans have set their sights on 2014 and are serious about bringing home a win in November.

In the recent months, Republicans have worked hard to rebrand their image among millenials, minorities, and women. On Monday, Sharon Day, co-chairman of the Republican National Committee, announced the launch of “14 in ’14,” a program focusing on young women in key areas. The concept of 14 in ’14 is to recruit and train female volunteers to mobilize other women in the 14 weeks leading up to the election. The volunteers will identify voters, support other Get Out The Vote efforts, and be Republican messengers in their communities.

According to Day, “Women are a very important part of the electorate and the RNC is very serious about engaging,” Day told The Post. “The Democrats have relied on desperate attacks and we are going to aggressively work to correct the record and build relationships with women voters.”

Many question if the GOP will be able to bring women over to the right side, and win in November. While some view Republicans as out of touch with women, they are currently the only party working hard to protect women’s rights by repealing Obamacare and closing the pay gap.

With the mid term elections rapidly approaching, 14 in ’14 will give more women a chance to connect with Republican party. The program will focus its efforts on 25 key counties with a large number of independent and “swing” women voters. These counties are expected to have an important impact on targeted Senate, Congressional and gubernatorial races.

It is safe to say the GOP has stepped up their game, and is ready to win big in November.