Presidential Debate – The Recap

In the latest installment of Celebrity Apprentice: Campaign Edition viewers tuned in and watched anxiously to see what outlandish thing Donald Trump would say next. Standing front and center, Trump’s attendance was a guaranteed uptick in ratings for Fox News, but ultimately he failed to deliver anything more than a few one-line zingers.

Trump’s performance during the debate was anything but stellar. Trump’s inability to offer anything of substance and his continuous recycling of tiresome talking points left debate watchers vexed. Thankfully, there were nine other candidates on stage who were ready to talk about the issues and the future of America.

Out of the top ten contenders, Marco Rubio stood up and out when it came to his fellow opponents. Delivering the best performance of the night, Rubio delivered detailed answers and was future oriented while positioning himself as the antithesis of Hillary Clinton when noting he had only recently paid off his student loans, “How is Hillary Clinton going to lecture me about living paycheck to paycheck?” Rubio’s performance made him a rising star in a crowded field and leaving some to note him to be very Kennedyesque. This came as a surprise for a candidate who has suffered middling poll numbers.

Jeb Bush left much to be desired. Jeb came off as polished and poised with all the right answers, but he lacked a much needed edge to set himself apart from the other nine candidates sharing the spotlight. At times Jeb fumbled with his responses and relied heavily on his record as governor versus talking about his vision for the future. Overall, Jeb’s debate performance was earnest and low-key, and his appearance was presidential, but he lacked the fiery conviction many Jeb supporters have come to know and love.

When it came to the other eight candidates, they all seemed subdued and some relied on the regurgitated rhetoric of contempt for Washington elites (I’m looking at you, Ted Cruz). Ben Carson fumbled when it came policy knowledge and his lack of debate prep was apparent, but his sense of humor proved to be a saving grace. Other candidates such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie came prepared and his debate skills were top notch against Senator Rand Paul. Governor Scott Walker gave sharp and concise answers, but the limited exposure and tough questions gave him little time to emphasize his fights against the Wisconsin Unions.

While the presidential debate did not live up to the hype and has been aptly described by Politico as “an empty calorie joy ride,” all top ten candidates have their work cut out for them if they plan on staying above the fold and relevant in the polls.