Generation Y: The New Face of the GOP?

Those who elected Obama twice are now turning their backs on the president.

Generation Y (aka: Millennials) is classified as those born between 1982 and 2000. They were the driving force behind Barack Obama’s victory in both 2008 and 2012. Obama’s campaign targeted the youth vote by using social media and organizing them on a grassroots level. Obama’s campaign got the attention of Generation Y and pulled them into the electoral process. By the time the last vote was cast in 2012, Obama had successfully reached and secured the youth vote.

But now it seems the same group who elected Barack Obama is having a severe case of voter’s remorse. In a Quinnipiac poll released in November 2013, a resounding 54% of Millennials disapproved of the job of the president. The poll also shows that 59% of Millennial voters disapprove of how President Obama is handling the issue of Healthcare, and it seems Obamacare is to blame.

Obamacare and the clumsy implementation have cost Obama the support of his base, Generation Y. In a December 2013 poll released by Harvard, “40% of young Americans believe Obamacare will bring worse care, 51% believe it will bring higher costs and 57% said they disapprove of the president’s signature law.”

Millennials are finally starting to realize they voted for the wrong candidate, and it’s time for Republicans to capitalize on it. As we roll into another election year, it is imperative Republicans use this opportunity and recruit Millennials to join the GOP.

In the next 8 months both sides will inundate every outlet possible to reach and motivate voters. The mid-term elections have the ability to change the course of our country, but only if Republicans embrace Generation Y as the new face of the party. GOP, the time is now, and messaging is key. (Make sure it’s 140 characters or less, and can be retweeted with ease.) Republicans have to get organized and implement a strategy to woo Millennial voters who are now suffering remorse for electing Obama.

Over the past six years, our country has waged wars in other countries, given the pink slip to thousands of American workers, put more people on welfare, and replaced our healthcare for a broken system hurting individuals more than its helping. The common denominator in this equation is Obama and a Democratically controlled Congress.

As our country sits at a crossroads, the GOP needs to step up and show Millennials why it’s cool to be Republican, and welcome them with open arms.