David Jolly Dominates the News Cycle

The race to fill Marco Rubio’s seat is a crowded one on the Republican side, and candidates have to work hard to stay above the fold. With four Republicans running for the U.S. Senate coupled with it being a presidential election year, money and press coverage is tight in the Sunshine state unless of course you’re David Jolly.

Republican U.S. Senate candidate and U.S. Rep. David Jolly is outpacing the competition in press coverage. Appearing on 60 Minutes on Sunday, Jolly spoke about his “Stop Act” proposal to bar federal office holders from asking for campaign donations. Jolly’s interview on 60 Minutes, exposes both parties and their dialing for dollars strategies that are employed by members of Congress to fundraise for their reelection efforts. The “Stop Act” is currently co-sponsored by six members of Congress and while Jolly points out, it’s not comprehensive campaign reform it brings attention to the fact members of Congress spend too much time raising money and not enough time doing their job. Get back to work. And do your job.

However, David Jolly’s interview on 60 Minutes is not the only way he is setting himself apart from other GOP Senate hopefuls. Congressman Jolly is set to square off against Democrat Senate hopeful Alan Grayson Monday night in an “open debate” at UCF. At this point, Jolly’s campaign slogan should be, “Act as if”because he’s already acting like he won the nomination.

Like most candidates, David Jolly has done a good job of ignoring his opponents and focusing on his own campaign. Congressman Jolly continues to show a steadfast commitment to serving his constituents with what time he has left as a member of the House of Representatives. There is no question Congressman Jolly is using his time wisely to elevate his name ID across Florida.

The primary election for United States Senate is still months away, and if David Jolly continues to dominate the news cycle, he will be the Republican nominee.